Is It Time to Make a Trip Into the Tire Shop? How to Tell if You Need New Tires

Here’s a shocking statistic: Tire failure leads to approximately 11,000 car accidents each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA.) If you’re trying to get the most years out of your tire, you might be putting yourself and those around you at risk.

Although you don’t want to get new tires too early (after all, they’re not cheap), you don’t want to wait too long either. So how do you know when it’s the right time to get new tires put on your car or truck? Here are a few tips to help.

  1. Check the Tread

There’s an old tip that says if you can put a penny into the tread of your tires with Lincoln’s head facing downward and still see the top of his head, the tread is too low. This isn’t a scientific test and shouldn’t be the only way to rely on knowing whether you need new tires, but it’s a good start.

Check the pattern in your tread. If it’s worn too far down, you could be at risk of having a blow out.

  1. Monitor Your Tire Pressure

Your tires should have consistent tire pressure. If it drops too low or your tires are overinflated, you could wear out the tread faster.

As a rule, your tires should only lose one pound per square inch each month. If they’re losing more than that, you could have a leak or another issue that’s causing them to lose pressure. That puts you at risk on the roadway – not to mention the hassle of having to constantly fill up your tires to the right inflation pressure.

  1. Pay Attention to Vibrations While Driving

Does it feel like your car is rumbling a little more than it should? One reason this could happen is if your tires are out of alignment. This puts excess wear and tear on your tires, causing them to go bad faster.

If you’re having anything other than a smooth ride in your car, your tires might be to blame. Have your car checked to find out whether it’s your tires or something else off kilter in your car.

  1. Look for Cracks in the Tires

Arizona’s climate is hot and dry. This is a recipe for cracked, dry rubber. If you ever see cracks in the sidewalls or anything that looks a little bit unusual, it’s imperative that you take it in to a tire shop right away.

  1. Don’t Ignore Bulging

Anytime the rubber in your tire is misshapen, your tires are in danger. If you ever seen any abnormal bulges or gouges, get a mechanic to inspect your tires right away.

Bonus Tip: Temperature Makes a Difference

The weather in Tucson can vary greatly throughout the day. You might wake up and need a sweater, then by afternoon you’ll be sweating and shedding layers.

Like your body’s internal thermostat, your tire pressure is impacted by this fluctuation in temperature. As the mercury rises, your air pressure rises too, which can cause excess wear and tear on your tires.

We’re Here to Help

Now you have a better idea of what to look for when analyzing the health of your tires, but this is only the beginning. If you’re not sure how many more miles your tires have left in them, stop by Rita Ranch Automotive & Tire today. One of our technicians will take a look and let you know how safe your tires are, or whether you need to get them replaced.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Noah layman

    Above information are very helpful in evaluating the condition of the tire. There are a lot of benefits of using a properly inflated tire, hence tire pressure should be measured on a daily basis and if necessary should be properly inflated. Tire pressure fluctuates with the surrounding temperature, hence tire pressure should be measured on a regular basis. Better tread depth provides better traction, hence tread depth should be measured on a daily basis and if the tread depth is lesser than the average, then the tire should be replaced with new tire for better traction.

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